Intake paperwork will be emailed to you in addition to the office location you will need to come to for your initial visit. The intake process covers questions pertaining to the problems you are currently experiencing and your goals related to why you are seeking counseling services. If for some reason you are unable to complete the intake paperwork, you may complete it in the initial session, but it might take away from some of our time together in the initial visit.
Items to Bring to Your Initial Visit
Please bring your current driver's license/state ID, insurance card (if applicable), method of payment, and intake paperwork with you on the day of your initial appointment.
What to expect during your initial visit?
We will meet and review your intake paperwork and get your information entered into the electronic medical record system. We will identify the reason for you seeking out services and develop a treatment plan that consists of goals we will work on together over the course of your care.
What to expect after your initial visit?
I will set up a time for you to come in for your next visit. The time in which you will return for your next visit will be dependent on your need and my availability. Typically I meet with clients every 1-2 weeks after their initial visit in order to gain a therapeutic relationship and better address your needs. As time progresses and we determine you are making the progress you are wanting, we will evaluate and discuss reducing the visits or discontinuing services if appropriate.
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